
Course Description

When we think of marketing, we typically think of the activities that a for-profit company engages in. However, marketing is an important function for non-profit organizations as well. Marketing is the way that non-profits determine the needs of their clients and their donors. As in the for-profit world, nonprofit marketing includes advertising, promotion, public relations, and customer relationship management. This course examines how non-profits use marketing to publicize their mission and to gather contributions of time and money. The course also discusses marketing planning in the non-profit organization.

After completing this course, you should be able to: define what marketing is within the non-profit environment; explain the service-intensive nature of non-profit program activities; explain how the marketing mix is expanded for service products (the 3Ps of Services Marketing); describe the importance of customer satisfaction and how expectations play a role in satisfaction with service products; discuss the role of ethics in non-profit marketing; describe the importance of and explain the process of non-profit marketing plan; describe how target markets can be identified for donors; and explain how new service products are developed by non-profits.

Within five (5) business days after we receive your registration request for an online course, you will receive an email with the details needed to get started, including your username and password. Participants must login within 30 days upon receiving their username and password.  Participants may apply a maximum of 12 hours of online courses towards the Nonprofit Management Certificate. Online Courses must be completed within six months of registration.

There are no refunds for online courses.

To demo online courses, visit: http://dukenp.mindedgeonline.com/acl.php?A5D01A31

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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