
Course Description

ONLINE: "Jews will not replace us!" "6MWE" "It's open season on all you Zionist pigs!" "Israel = Racism/Apartheid/Genocide" Why are Jews consistently targeted in the U.S.? What is antisemitism, and why is it the longest and most successful hatred? How does Israel factor into this? Is criticism of Israel antisemitic? Through videos, lectures and brief discussions, we will study the often asked question: Why the Jews? While not providing in-depth coverage of theology, modern politics or the best solutions to the Israel-Arab conflict, this course will help students gain a better understanding of: 1) Jews and Judaism; 2) the centuries-long history of Jewish hatred that led to the Holocaust, but did not end there; 3) facts behind the Israel-Arab conflict; 4) legitimate versus illegitimate criticism of Israel; 5) the interplay of hate, extremism and antisemitism that makes Jews feel less safe today; 6) if/how our own attitudes can make a difference. | Lecture + Q&A, Facilitated discussion.

Max enrollment: 24.

Class sessions are recorded.

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