
Course Description

IN PERSON: Learn and apply a functional and practical systematic writing process to gain control over your fear, procrastination, writer’s block and anxiety. This system and process is useful, transferable and repeatable in any writing setting, form or environment. Students will learn to do the following:1) Dispel the myth and romantic notion that the writing process has to be a tortured effort. 2) Transfer and apply this knowledge and system to any form of writing — creative, professional, etc. 3) Consistently convert ideas into finished writing outcomes. 4) Reduce anxiety and writer's block by organizing the writing process into less overwhelming and more manageable parts. Unlike in other writing courses, students will not have writing assignments, per se, nor will the class participants critique each other’s work. However, between sessions, students will be encouraged to experiment with the tools they have learned and discuss their results. All levels of experience are welcome. | Lecture + Q&A, Facilitated discussion, Active Skill Learning.

Max enrollment: 12.

Location: Judea Reform Congregation, 1933 W. Cornwallis Rd, Durham NC 27705

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