IN PERSON: Have you carried around an idea for a novel, but, now that you have the time, you realize you have no idea how to write it? Is that memoir rolling around in your head, but you need just a little help? Or do you have a completed manuscript, but you know it's just not ready? Facing the blank page can be overwhelming, unless you have a guide. Join us to learn how to structure your material and shape it into a professional-level piece of writing. We'll discuss elements of a writer's first book, and then apply those elements to our own work. You’ll learn how to define your subject area, create plots, employ a story structure, define and develop characters, build an outline and write the full manuscript. Join your fellow new writers in expanding your art and developing the writer-to-writer communication that improves everyone’s work. | Lecture + Q&A, Facilitated discussion, Active Skill Learning.
Max enrollment: 16.
Location: Judea Reform Congregation, 1933 W. Cornwallis Rd, Durham NC 27705