
Course Description

IN PERSON: Have you considered what will give you success, happiness and purpose in retirement? Together, we will read and discuss Arthur C. Brooks’ book “From Strength to Strength.” Brooks is a professor at the Harvard Business School, the author of 12 books and a columnist for The Atlantic. Through nine interactive sessions, participants will view thoughtful TED Talks, read additional articles, take inventories and, if desired, write personal journal reflections. This active engagement will enable participants to design life-enhancing strategies that build on their strengths and reduce their anxieties about aging. Topics include personal and professional decline, fluid and crystallized intelligence, striving for success, the bucket list, facing our mortality, and opportunities and strategies for growth and happiness. Participants can expect lively discussions, laughter and new insights they may want to implement. Optional prep time will be one to three hours per week. | Facilitated discussion.

Max enrollment: 15.

Location: Judea Reform Congregation, 1933 W. Cornwallis Rd, Durham NC 27705

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