
Course Description

ONLINE: This course, taught entirely in French, will study the disadvantaged suburbs of France. After World War II, France welcomed immigrants from southern and Eastern European countries, then from North Africa and the French colonies, to revitalize the economy. The influx of people along with a rise in births created a shortage of adequate housing. To remedy this problem, the French government built "les grands ensembles," or “cités,” consisting of gigantic building complexes far from big cities. Soon, "les grands ensembles" became synonymous with poverty, exclusion, lack of opportunities and hopelessness. Excerpts of novels from “la littérature beur et de banlieue,” as well as music from rappers, will illustrate the woes and aspirations of the inhabitants. At the end of the course, students will have a good understanding of the situation in “les grands ensembles.” They will be asked to ponder if similar situations exist in American society. | Facilitated discussion.

Max enrollment: 10.

Class sessions are recorded.

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