ONLINE: Opinions about Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-1587) have been polarized ever since her execution. This online course will review the dramatic events of this controversial queen’s life and consider her impact on the long-term history of politics and religion in England. Mary is unusual for having lived as queen of two (she would have claimed three) different kingdoms. She spent a long, formative period of her life as joint heir to the throne in France before moving back to rule in person in Scotland, then into a long exile in England after the scandalous affair of her husband's murder. The reality of her life in each of these kingdoms will be discussed, as will the challenges she faced. Her long period of exile in England, which caused major problems for her counterpart and cousin, Queen Elizabeth, and contributed significantly to the shaping of foreign and domestic policy, will be discussed as well. We also will look at Mary's portrayal since her death. | Lecture + Q&A.
Max enrollment: 200.
Class sessions are recorded.