
Course Description

ONLINE: "'Bearing witness' transforms experience (witnessing) in the process of carrying, taking responsibility for, enduring, conveying, birthing and turning the experience in a specific direction." — Nick LeForce Poetry tells of our unique journeys — essentially, it is the process of bearing witness. There are many ways to witness, from our personal past, from the natural world, from human strife or even from progress. In this course, we consider ways to bear witness along with strategies for writing your truth. A poem may arise when you encounter a person who is unhoused, or from a photograph. We will explore the role of punctuation in “poetry of witness,” and strategies for how to propel poems. Before each class, the instructor will collect and collate students’ work for all to read. On Zoom, we will discuss our work in a space of respectful insight. Each participant will receive a note with observations after each class. Some prior poetry writing experience is recommended. | Facilitated discussion.

Max enrollment: 11.

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