ONLINE: This course introduces students to the relaxing and mindful art of Zentangle, a method of drawing structured patterns, or tangles, on small tiles. Over 10 weeks, students will explore how Zentangle fosters relaxation, focus and inner peace through creative expression. The course begins with the Intro to Zentangle class, where participants will learn the history, philosophy and essential techniques, including how to draw eight tangles and do basic shading. Each following class will build on these skills by introducing new patterns and Zentangle projects, providing a comprehensive experience for both beginners and experienced students alike. | Active Skill Learning.
Max enrollment: 50.
Class sessions are recorded.
Cathy Boytos has spent years drawing botanical images and pet portraits with pen and ink as well as colored pencils. She has an extensive portfolio of colored pencil animal and floral illustrations and has won many awards for her colored pencil artwork. An award-winning graphic designer, a CZT (certified Zentangle teacher) and a very popular OLLI instructor, Cathy has spent her life in the art field.