IN PERSON: Ron Rash is one of our state’s literary treasures. "Serena," his 2008 novel set in in western North Carolina in the early 1930s, can be appreciated on many levels. Its compelling plot, memorable characters and vivid writing contribute to its richness and readability. Southern Gothic elements, echoes of Greek and Shakespearean tragedy and the mingling of fiction and fact add more layers of narrative complexity. Far more than just a setting, Rash’s native Appalachia is a force that shapes his characters' actions and lives. The struggle he depicts between preserving nature and profiting from its destruction contributes to the novel’s tension and adds a contemporary immediacy. We will explore 50 pages a week, looking closely at the artistic decisions Rash made and the book's many ethical issues. We also will consider other fierce female literary characters who share some of the traits that the eponymous Serena has and discuss why this type of character holds such allure for readers. | Facilitated discussion.
Max enrollment: 12.
Location: Judea Reform Congregation, 1933 W. Cornwallis Rd, Durham NC 27705
Marjorie Lancaster received an undergraduate degree in English from Duke and a master’s degree from Tulane University. Since 2016, she has taught 17 OLLI courses. She believes that readers' willingness to engage creatively and intellectually with the text and the unique perspective they each bring to the class make for a lively and satisfying discussion.