
Course Description

Have you ever watched the news, read a story that popped up on your phone, or saw a social media post with tables, charts, graphs, polls, or other representations of data that made you question the accuracy of the claims made? How might we draw conclusions or make decisions using this data?

If you want to know more about how data is collected, analyzed and presented this is the course for you!

Understanding data and how it is analyzed helps you gain a greater understanding of our world and prepares you for a future in a variety of professions – from universities to businesses and industries. Take a critical look at big data and how this ever-changing data can be used in a variety of contexts – from those that help us better understand a topic to those that might skew our perspectives. Consider potential pitfalls and biases in data collection and become a more discerning consumer of the news and other sources of information. Working together with peers, examine data related to current events such as the 2024 election, COVID-19, climate change, and racial injustice. Analyze how data informs decisions about policy, business, public health and others that impact our everyday lives and examine what additional data would be helpful in the decision-making process. Throughout this online session, you will be challenged to ask questions about the data presented and to think critically both about what the data might tell us as well as the possible gaps, silences or omissions. Learn to look beyond the basic tables, charts, and graphs and discover hidden meanings and make data-driven decisions.

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Section Title
Analyzing Big Data
M, T, W, Th, F
6:00PM to 7:30PM
Jun 16, 2025 to Jun 27, 2025
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This is an online course.
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