
Course Description

Prerequisite: You must submit a scientific writing sample in English.

Thousands of high school students work in university laboratories to expand their understanding of science, explore new fields, boost their resumes, or because it is required by their high schools. This is your opportunity to explore scientific research under the leadership of world-class university faculty, without the inconvenience and expense of traveling to campus! Become the expert on what is currently known about a very specific STEM question. This starts with working with your faculty to select a scientifically narrow question and analyzing literature (published papers) and their methods. Complete the course with your own written literature review and two oral presentations (one short, one long). Your final products of the program will include a written literature review, two oral presentations (one short, one long), and a proposed methods section for answering the question and continuing the research.

Gain research and presentation skills as well as expertise on your research topic. Receive valuable networking from your colleagues and mentors. Most importantly, discover if scientific research is a career path you would like to follow.

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Section Title
Research Methods in Science and Engineering
M, T, W, Th, F
11:00AM to 12:30PM
Jul 07, 2025 to Jul 18, 2025
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Section Notes
This is an online course.
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