
Course Description

Are you interested in learning about the variety of healthcare professions? How do the roles of healthcare professionals supplement and complement each other so that they can achieve their ultimate goal of managing the complex medical needs of our country?

Enhance your knowledge of professional opportunities in healthcare and medicine as you explore health indicators that impact society's well-being. Hear from guest speakers from Duke University, Duke University Medical Center, and other healthcare professionals. Immerse yourself in the principles of healthcare from social, environmental, and community health perspectives and concerns.

Analyze healthcare professionals' various roles within multiple health settings: doctors, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, occupational therapists, pharmacists, dentists, technologists, therapists and patient navigators. Enhance your understanding of healthcare professions, complexities and your potential to impact modern medicine!

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Section Title
Healthcare Professions Workshop
M, T, W, Th, F
9:00AM to 10:30AM
Jul 07, 2025 to Jul 18, 2025
Schedule and Location
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