
Course Description

ONLINE: In this hands-on class, you will learn how to create a beautiful mosaic artwork that has the appearance of a painting. Students will work with a variety of materials including vibrant stained glass, ceramic pieces, metal/Czech glass beads, slate, pebbles, and found objects. You’ll learn to use color, shape, and texture to create movement and shading through the cutting and application of mosaic materials employing the "direct method" laying technique. Students will select a floral or fruit image provided by the instructor, which will serve as a template for their piece. Each week the instructor will share works from various mosaic artists to inspire students. Sessions will be recorded, allowing you to review steps at your own pace between classes. By the end of the course, you will have completed a stunning mosaic artwork. All materials, including stained glass, ceramics, beads, slate, found objects, form, adhesive, and grout, will be provided in supply kits. All levels are welcome! | Lecture + Q&A, Facilitated discussion, Active Skill Learning.

Max enrollment: 15.

Class sessions are recorded.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Create a Mosaic Painting
Online - Zoom
1:30PM to 3:00PM
May 06, 2025 to Jun 10, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Virtual Classroom  
Course Fees
Section Notes

Class sessions are recorded.

Please note: Students will need a table or space to work where they can also view their computer (or other device). They will also need a wheeled tile nipper. These are available for purchase in big box home stores or on Amazon. The instructor can also add a wheeled tile nipper to the student's required supply kit ($44) for an additional $20 if requested. Notify instructor up to 5 days before class begins if you would like a wheeled tile nipper included with your supply kit materials.

Required supplies/fee:

There is a fee of $45 payable to the instructor at the first class. All materials needed to complete your project are included in the $44 supply kit provided by the instructor, including stained Bullseye Glass, ceramics, beads, slate, found objects, form, adhesive, nitrile gloves, grout sponge, recyclable tools, and grout will be provided in supply kits. Supply kits will be available for student pick-up on Thursday, May 1st, at JRC (OLLI's onsite location in Durham) from 10 am to 3 pm. Out-of-state student kits will be mailed by the instructor for receipt prior to class beginning. The supply fee is payable to the instructor at or before supply pick-up. For additional information on supplies, please see the course details at learnmore.duke.edu/olli. 

Mosaic materials include:
Multi shaped and multi color stained glass and ceramic tile
Finished rectangular board to mosaic upon
Grout and Sponge
Disposable tools and gloves

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