
Course Description

IN PERSON: Is it possible to engage with grief in improvisational ways? Is it possible to live in peaceful proximity to sorrow? In this class, we will explore these and other questions through the lens of poetry, song and story. This class is open to all who are curious about exploring an improvisational relationship with grief. Nnenna Freelon is a seven-time Grammy-nominated jazz singer. The death of her husband Phil in 2019, thrust her into the “palm of grief.” There, she discovered that the improvisational tools she learned as a jazz musician were healing ones. She is passionate about co-creating with grief and believes that we all have this innate capacity to be creative grievers. There will be time for class reflection and participation. We will assemble a unique container garden of hope and healing to carry into the world. There are no special requirements for this course. We are all grief sojourners in one way or another. Bring an open, human heart. | Lecture + Q&A, Facilitated discussion.

Max enrollment: 40.

Location: Other, street, city NC zip

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Section Title
Grief: A Container Garden
Classroom - In Person
11:00AM to 12:30PM
May 07, 2025 to Jun 11, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Classroom - In Person  
Course Fees
Section Notes

Please note: This class will be held at NorthStar Church of the Arts at 220 West Geer St, Durham, NC 27701.

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