IN PERSON: This course, which requires no previous music experience, will immerse students in the history of Western classical music from its beginnings into the 21st century. There will be an overview of the history, with an emphasis on listening. I hope to generate both fun and excitement as we listen interactively, with guidance, feedback and discussion. We will dive deeply into selected music and composers from different periods and begin to understand music’s evolution through the centuries. Students will also learn to recognize some distinguishing characteristics of each period and composer. We will become acquainted with different musical forms, including the concerto, string quartet and symphony. Students will undoubtedly hear pieces, many of which they have never heard before, that will excite and move them. Since we will be a small group, there will be opportunities for everyone's engagement. | Facilitated discussion.
Max enrollment: 12.
Location: Judea Reform Congregation, 1933 W. Cornwallis Rd, Durham NC 27705
Margaret Maytan is passionate about classical music and has a strong background in studying, teaching, and performing. Her background includes: a combined B.A. in music and M.A. in musicology; lecturing in music history at high school and university levels; training and experience in guiding learning in a small group setting; strong performance experience both professionally and at an amateur level: voice, piano, viola. Margaret is a graduate of a 4-year Duke medical specialty residency.