ONLINE: Most courses on Broadway musicals focus on the works of a certain period or those by a certain team of creators. However, some shows resist such categories: either they’re not typical of their era or their creative teams didn’t create many shows. This course will explore six Broadway musicals - all critical and popular successes - that meet the criteria of both “singular” and “sensational”: “The Music Man,” “Damn Yankees,” “A Chorus Line,” “Ain’t Misbehavin’,” “Dreamgirls,” and “The Wiz.” The course is primarily lecture with video and audio clips; students will be able to ask questions and make comments during each class. | Lecture + Q&A.
Max enrollment: 200.
Class sessions are recorded.
Alan Teasley began his career as a high school English and drama teacher and served as an administrator in the Durham Public Schools for over twenty years. He also directed Duke’s Master of Arts in Teaching Program for three years. He is an avid theatergoer with a particular interest in American musicals. This will be his seventeenth course on musicals for OLLI.