
Course Description

ONLINE: This course introduces a way to recover from the weariness and overwhelm of the pandemic, politics, and/or social media. Students will rediscover a sense of playfulness, meaning, and connection as they adventure in the real world with a friend. They will draw on these experiences to launch reflective writing, embarking on inner journeys that they will share with classmates. The class will meet every other week. There will be a week of writing, sharing writing, and preparation for the week's activity between class. During the week between classes, participants will explore in the world and return ready to write about their exploits! The participants will learn much of what occurs when freewheeling adventure is a focus - connections to place and people being just two outcomes. During writing experiences, participants will remark on what is working within peers' essays and delight in the adventures taken by classmates. | Active Skill Learning.

Max enrollment: 12.

Class sessions are recorded.

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Section Title
Reflective Writing: Putting your Journey on the Page
Online - Zoom
1:30PM to 2:45PM
May 06, 2025 to Jun 03, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Virtual Classroom  
Course Fees
Section Notes

Class sessions are recorded.

Please note: This class meets every other week. Participants will receive some coaching about how to prepare for adventuring and return to write about their exploits and share those with fellow travelers.

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