
Course Description

IN PERSON: It’s not easy to grow old and face death in 21st century America. Factors such as medical overtreatment at the end of life, the rapidly growing “warehousing” of the elderly and demented, and the “epidemic” of loneliness and isolation have all emerged to render our lives and deaths increasingly hazardous and complicated. The Death Positivity Movement is the grassroots response to these developments. It ranges from Green Burial to Death Cafes, from home funerals to various forms of assisted dying. Death Positivity is an intergenerational endeavor to redefine our lives in the frame of death; rather than turn away from thoughts and conversations about aging and dying, it embraces new and creative ways of thinking about how our deaths can make our lives - and the stories we leave behind - more meaningful. Through case studies and conversation, this in-person course will explore the possibility that death can be a superior life coach. | Facilitated discussion.

Max enrollment: 12.

Location: Judea Reform Congregation, 1933 W. Cornwallis Rd, Durham NC 27705

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Section Title
The Death Positivity Movement
Classroom - In Person
1:30PM to 3:00PM
May 06, 2025 to Jun 10, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Classroom - In Person  
Course Fees
Section Notes

Recommended reading:
Katy Butler, "Knocking on Heaven's Door" (9781451641981)
Caitlin Doughty, "From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death" (9780393356281)
Amy Bloom, "In Love" (9780593243954)

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