IN PERSON: Taste Carolina will guide us through downtown Dunham's innovative cuisine! In addition to enjoying fantastic food, we'll also explore the city's cutting edge culture, historic roots, and renovated buildings. This social and fun walking tour will serve as lunch, so we will discover all of Durham’s flavors together.
Please meet at American Tobacco Warehouse in the area between Parker & Otis and Boricua Soul at the Durham overhang. Parking is available there, but it may be easier to park in the deck at Main and Corcoran and walk the few minutes down. We suggest arriving early to shop at Parker & Otis. It's an awesome store! Dress for the weather and for walking. We will ask for your dietary restrictions and food allergies ahead of time.
Activity Level: Total walking distance is 1-2 miles, broken up in short, leisurely bursts. Tastings will be seated or standing. Be able to navigate sidewalks, stairs, and inclines successfully.