
Course Description

ONLINE: Do you enjoy following and discussing current events? Each week, we will look at news and issues from around the world and at home. The instructor will provide an agenda with notes and links, and members of the class are encouraged to propose additional discussion topics. Active participation is encouraged, but not mandatory. Discussions are enriched by the diversity of class members’ backgrounds, expertise and viewpoints. Topics are discussed knowledgeably, respectfully and sometimes with passion, but we always end with humor. Students will gain a better understanding of the social and political issues of the world today. Each instructor is an avid news and politics junkie and has experience leading these types of discussions. Each brings his or her own distinctive style and background to the course, and, most importantly, each will encourage a wide selection of views from class members. Students who bring unique or underrepresented points of view are especially welcome. | Facilitated discussion.

Max enrollment: 24.

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