IN PERSON: Successfully developing and maintaining relationships with our adult children requires fine-tuning our listening skills and understanding how our emotional intelligence skills affect our relationship dynamics. Realizing we need to shift away from a parental role can be difficult. Establishing, nurturing and maintaining this evolved relationship dynamic in our conversations with our adult children can be challenging and filled with "traps." During this course, you will learn your communication and learning styles and how your own level of internal happiness affects your conversational dynamics. We will touch on how our level of emotional intelligence colors our conversations. We will then discuss how you can apply this knowledge to your interactions along with some do’s and don'ts for parent-adult child conversations. Tips on what not to say and how to say what you need to say while minimizing tension in the relationship will be provided. | Lecture + Q&A, Facilitated discussion.
Max enrollment: 25.
Location: Judea Reform Congregation, 1933 W. Cornwallis Rd, Durham NC 27705