IN PERSON: Certain parts of England and Scotland are strongly associated with particular authors, such as the Lake District with Wordsworth, London with Dickens and Yorkshire with the Bronte sisters. This course will focus on the influence of the culture and landscape of these places on the work of the authors, and vice versa. We will also consider the experience of visiting the “homes and haunts” of writers, which is known as "literary tourism," and whether it enhances the enjoyment of their works. The format will be lecture with slides and videos, including breaks for questions and comments. Students will learn about the landscape and culture of the different regions of England and Scotland, enabling them to appreciate more deeply the literature of that region, and also enrich any future trips they may take there. | Lecture + Q&A.
Max enrollment: 50.
Location: Judea Reform Congregation, 1933 W. Cornwallis Rd, Durham NC 27705