
Course Description

IN PERSON: You spent a lifetime building savings. How do you make your money last, and how do you leave a legacy for future generations and nonprofits? Over six sessions, we will review the keys to financial success in retirement. We’ll start with an overview of investing. Then we'll focus on how to convert your savings into cash in a tax-efficient way. Topics will include sustainable spending rates, required minimum distributions, annuities and Social Security. We'll discuss stocks, bonds and mutual funds, and we'll learn how you can put them together in portfolios that make sense. Then we'll discuss tax-efficient giving (to nonprofits) and gifting (to future generations). We'll wrap up with a discussion of behavioral finance, which can have a major impact on your finances. The goal is to give you tools you can use to make your savings last through retirement and to leave a legacy. | Facilitated discussion.

Max enrollment: 25.

Location: Judea Reform Congregation, 1933 W. Cornwallis Rd, Durham NC 27705

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