
Course Description

ONLINE: Race is a social construct with no genetic or scientific basis. The concept of race is important, however, because society uses race to establish and justify systems of power, privilege and oppression. We all have racial identities that are both internally developed and externally imposed. In this course, we will examine how we become racialized and how our individual racial identities are developed. While the development of a racial identity is unique to each individual, the many models of racial identity development illustrate that there are demonstrable patterns of development for each race. We believe that it is important to examine not only our own racial identity development but also the racial identity development of members of other races. This will help us understand how others perceive us, and how we perceive people of other races. We hope that this understanding will lead to better interracial relationships. | Facilitated discussion.

Max enrollment: 35.

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Section Title
Racial Identity Development: How Race Shapes Us
Online - Zoom
11:00AM to 12:15PM
Sep 12, 2024 to Nov 21, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Virtual Classroom  
Course Fees
Section Notes

Please note: Students will be assigned chapters from the required text to read prior to each class session, with additional (optional) recommended resources posted on the course website. Some class sessions will feature small group discussions in breakout rooms.

Required reading:
Charmaine L. Wijeyesinghe and Bailey W. Jackson III, Editors, "New Perspectives on Racial Identity Development: Integrating Emerging Frameworks" (9780814794807)

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