ONLINE: Curious about the latest cosmic discoveries? This course is your gateway to modern astronomy. Covering the night sky, Earth, our solar system, star formation and evolution, the Milky Way and the cosmos, we will explore what every educated person should know, with a focus on recent findings. No advanced background needed — just an interest in the cosmos. If you’re an astrophysicist, feel free to skip this class, but for everyone else, get ready to unlock the mysteries of the universe in an accessible, engaging way! | Lecture + Q&A.
Max enrollment: 200.
Class sessions are recorded.
Brand Fortner is a teaching professor at NC State University where he teaches astronomy, astrophysics and physics, and is adjunct professor of physics at UNC. He earned a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois in high-energy astrophysics. Brand founded two scientific software companies, and previously held positions at NASA and Johns Hopkins University. Brand has written books on color vision and technical data, and is in high demand for his public lectures on all things astronomical.