ONLINE: This course invites students to explore the art of storytelling from multiple perspectives. Each two-week block will focus on writing a 500- to 750-word short story, followed by rewriting the same or a similar story from a different angle. For example, in the first week, students could write in the first-person perspective, then, in the second week, they could switch to third person. Stories could explore the same event — like a ballgame — from opposing viewpoints, or, more creatively, from a human's perspective one week and from an animal’s the next. Students can experiment with fiction and nonfiction, finding new surprises in each retelling. Each piece will be submitted to the instructor a day and a half before class, then shared with the group for review and discussion. After each class, the instructor will provide written feedback on the stories. A computer and computer skills are required. Access to a printer will be helpful. | Facilitated discussion.
Max enrollment: 9.
Jane Seitel has taught over 25 courses at OLLI. She is an expressive arts therapist, writer, teacher and award-winning poet. She received a Master of Education from Lesley University and an MFA from Drew University. She teaches poetry, prose craft and literature. She encourages curiosity and creativity, and delights in the diversity of expressive voices.