ONLINE: This course will engage students in an active discussion of selected short stories by Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner and James Joyce, three acknowledged literary masters. The stories often rival in virtuosity the novels for which the authors might be better known. In addition to examining the stories themselves, we will look at where their styles align and where they differ. Each week we will read not more than three stories. As appropriate and as time permits, we will seek out important influences in the three authors' lives that informed what they wrote. The ultimate goal is for students to gain a fuller appreciation for the authors' artistry. We will discuss several stories that were discussed in the Winter 2024 course The Early Works of James Joyce, and students who took that course can be expected to fully benefit from this course. | Facilitated discussion.
Max enrollment: 24.
Class sessions are recorded.
John Burkley has taught OLLI courses at Duke and NC State University on James Joyce and Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys. He has participated in seven weeklong Program of Liberal Studies Summer Symposia at the University of Notre Dame. He has also founded various reading groups, including a several-year reading of "Ulysses" along with Jay. He is a retired lawyer, and a graduate of the University of Michigan Law School.
Jay Miller has taught three courses for OLLI at Duke, including one on Faulkner's "Light in August." He has also taught five courses on Faulkner novels for OLLI at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and two for OLLI at Emory University. He has read several Faulkner biographies and studied his lectures given at the University of Virginia, as well as attended a week-long seminar on Faulkner. A retired lawyer, Miller received his B.A. degree from Duke.